Jan 12, 2011
You’re not supposed to hate people. My mother was always very emphatic about that. Hate is the highest level of dislike. If you get to hate, you’re can’t even convey compounding ill will because you’re already out of words.   That’s why you reserve “hate” for people you really, really dislike (Hitler, for example, or your boss).

With that preface, I don’t hate Justine Jacobs (formerly and infamously otherwise known as Dawson Miller). I just really, really dislike her.

For those unfamiliar with Ms. Jacobs, she used to get naked on the internets.  She was good at it, too, if Google is a worthwhile measure of a porn star’s popularity. Search her alias, “Dawson Miller” and you’ll get 105,000 image results, all of them featuring her smiling face and enormous naked tits (which even look impressively real!).  

Like thousands of drug abusers, alcoholics and internet skanks before her, though, Justine found Jesus, and then she decided that showing her goodies on the internet was the sort of thing she should be ashamed of.  (This makes no sense to me, since Jesus is known to have hung with whores in his day and probably would’ve dug porn, but his people seem to disagree).   She retreated into religion and the world was forced to make due with the 105,000 naughty pictures it already had of her.

(More after the jump)

I don’t have a problem with any of that. If I had her looks (and her boobs) I’d totally be into showing them off and getting paid, too. I’d also probably regret it, because every person who ever got naked on the internet eventually regrets it. It’s part of the process.  I’m even cool with Jesus.

What bothers me is what came next: Justine Jacobs, the anti-porn evangelist.  (see her website here).  She’s not the first person to denounce porn as an insidious force destined to destroy our happy families, and she won’t be the last.  She is, though, the most two faced.
She insists in her “documentary” (read: youtube video) that she was in a desperate financial situation, that she was duped by unscrupulous publishers, and that all of those photos were taken in one week.  In truth, her “desperate financial situation” just meant she’d run off with her married 30 year old boyfriend (her teacher), and she changed her hair color at least twice during that “week.”  

Almost certainly, the bitch didn’t find Jesus and see the moral error of her ways. More likely, she got normal “oh my God my cunt’s all over the internet” regrets and panicked. She realized she couldn’t really hide from the mistake (again, 105,000 pictures!) and so she’s making a career screaming at the industry that she was once a very willing part of. 

I hope she at least feels guilty about it. 

I have to believe she’s still getting some manner of royalties from the Dawson Miller website, so I won’t encourage subscriptions. I suspect, though, that many of you, my dear readers will actually enjoy her pictures more knowing that you’re masturbating to her against her will. J   Enjoy, boys, she deserves your most unsavory thoughts! 


Anonymous said...

If you hate dawson so much, why don't you write a rape story about her? I'm sure her fans would love it!

Anonymous said...

yes, yes we would! something brutal

Anonymous said...

No puedo creer que rajen de esta preciosidad!! Yo quisiera una chica como ella para enamorada! habrá que ser tonto para hacerle daño a esta princesita. Es dulce y deliciosa por todas partes y además tiene una carita angelical...

Anonymous said...

maybe held & raped repeatedly by a man his wife & their 2 big dogs

Anonymous said...

If she was getting royalties, things would have been VERY different I think. Like many she was likely duped by some parasite who she probably thought she fell in love with... not uncommon for the unprepared, and said parasite is probably holding 100% of the dawson miller tm. name.

Anonymous said...

me parece que el que narro esto es un pobre diablo, espero que a tus hijas nunca les paso algo similar, que aunque te paresca gracioso insultar y degradar a esta mujer,,, deja mucho q decir de ti. pobre diablo. la lengua es el castigo del cuerpo, no vaya ser q se te devuelva

Anonymous said...

so what do you look like???? I like your sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

interesting views ...but Dawsons got great jugs so I forgot what they were

Anonymous said...

I've masturbated to her no less than 500 times over the years. She's without a doubt one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in the Porn world. Had she ever decided to do the website and delved into harder stuff like boy/girl she could've been a huge star and millionaire several times over. I'd still be willing to pay to see her fucked on camera whether by a legit male Pornstar or just her husband. Insanely hot best describes her.

Anonymous said...

yep, still insanely beautiful. Almost impossible to replicate

jimdoyle said...

All of her pictures were made in 2006 and 2007 is what I've read. Her trashy husband was her 30 year old married with two kids school teacher who began banging her when she was 17. He left his wife to marry her fresh out of high school. He supposedly convinced her to pose nude to pay off his lawyers after a very messy divorce. What a sleaze. But I truly do enjoy looking at her tits and twat. I wonder what she looks like now? I would love to see her make a comeback.

Randall R Etter said...

Someone is still being a sleaze. I was just a week ago emailed by someone claiming to be someone else out of Russia with her photo's. Claiming she was coming here to me, but needed more money. I did not have it and was not going to send money to someone I just met on the internet anyway. She does not need to make a come back. She needs to be able to be allowed to follow God as she wishes, and her photo's be taken down as she wishes. Not them to be used by some jerk, to scam good people out of their money. Perhaps the culprit is one of these persons? Do not hate a lady who is trying to change her ways. We all have to grow up sometime and this is her time.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea about the videos from that week and any money. The magazine wins that got her there won her and hubby, as the photographer he won each time she did, $30,250.

Btw I think she is a really good person, she married the teacher and has had 2 kids with him. Regular photo's of them with his 2 previous kids as well. Even with her looks, like any top actress, it has to be the character they are playing that makes them stand out from the other beautiful actresses. She obviously played this part brilliantly, to global acclaim. Fact. Bravo.

vic hints said...

Its so hypocritical that in this day and age that these failed porn stars, retired cheerleaders, over the hill runway supermodels......Paulina Porizkova comes to mind.....and anybody else who used the fact that they won the genetic lottery back in their prime to pay the bills, are bitching about how unfair and WRONG it is for anyone today to do the same. Watching these faded old buzzards on talk shows lambasting the newbies for doing exactly what they did 15-20-30 years ago makes me puke. Harvey Weinstein for instance, was a pig, sure enough, but his accusers in showbiz didn't surface until decades after the fact, and their status (made possible by him) was fading, and the big roles were not there anymore. I've never seen anybody who was and STILL IS successful in showbiz tell somebody else not to try the same.

Anonymous said...

Can we be boyfriend and girlfriends